Bichon Frise dogs are bred to be companion animals, and are well-loved for their gentle dispositions. “Bichon Frise” is actually a French phrase, which, when literally translated, means “curly lap dog”. Bichon Frise dogs are typically white, though may display small patches of cream, apricot or slightly off-white fur around their facial area. When understanding how to train a Bichon Frise, however, you need to adopt a training program that is right for this breed. Bichon Frise training is easily accomplished, as long as you have a basic understand of your dog’s temperament and behavioral traits.

How to Train a Bichon Frise Puppy

When training a Bichon Frise puppy, it’s important that you be patient. According to a study titled “The Intelligence of Dogs”, Bichon Frise dogs are of “Average” working intelligence. This means that they may need a new command to be repeated from 25 to 40 times, before they are able to connect the command with the desired behavior. This being said, Bichon Frise puppies are best trained when they are still young. In fact, it’s best to begin training a Bichon Frise puppy as soon as they become a member of your household.

Initial training of your Bichon Frise puppy is key, since it helps your puppy to better develop the obedience skills that will allow you to train them in more complicated commands. In addition to this, how you train your Bichon Frise puppy can actually affect the personality, behavioral traits and habits of your dog when it becomes an adult.

With early commands, it’s best if you use a food-based treat to help facilitate the training. Food treats are a very positive motivator for Bichon Frise puppies, since they have a natural love of anything edible. In addition to this, a Bichon Frise puppy will respond best to positive reinforcement training. This means that you need to reward your Bichon Frise puppy for any good behavior that they exhibit throughout the day. However, if your Bichon Frise puppy exhibits bad behavior, you will be simply denying them a reward, instead of punishing them. If done correctly, this can be the most effective training method with a high success rate.

How to Crate Train a Bichon Frise

To crate train a Bichon Frise, it’s best if you use extreme care when choosing the crate. Bichon Frise dogs are very optimistic, though may at first view crate confinement as cruel punishment. To help prevent this, try to make the crate as comfortable as possible for your Bichon Frise. Proper Bichon Frise training means that you will need to be alert to your dog’s specific needs and desires.

Purchase a crate that is just large enough for your Bichon Frise, with enough room for them to turn around, sit and lie down in. The top of the crate should be slightly taller than your dog, with enough room to provide for adequate air circulation. Be sure that the crate is ventilated properly, and is made of a sturdy, non-toxic material. Place bedding material, toys and other items that your dog is familiar with inside the crate, since this will allow your Bichon Frise to become more comfortable with the idea of staying inside of the crate.

How to House Train a Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise dogs are very eager to please, and will do their best to obey all of your commands. However, as many Bichon Frise owners will tell you, house training can be a bit of a challenge. Though it may be difficult to house train a Bichon Frise at an early age, this is absolutely essential if you hope to establish this as desired behavior for your dog.

By using a crate, you can confine your Bichon Frise to a specific spot when you aren’t able to closely monitor their behavior. However, be sure not to confine your Bichon Frise for too long, especially when they are still young. This is because the kidneys of a Bichon Frise puppy aren’t fully developed, which means that your puppy will not be able to “hold it” for a long period of time. Take your Bichon Frise outside of their crate on a regular basis, rewarding them when they go to the bathroom outdoors.

Bichon Frise Training Tips

While training a Bichon Frise, remember that this breed of dog is designed to be a companion dog. This means that it requires constant human interaction in order to be content. Satisfying the emotional needs of your Bichon Frise is extremely important, and is an integral part of the training process. Most Bichon Frise dogs are eager to please their owners, and will make their best effort to make their humans happy. This is one of the reasons why early training of a Bichon Frise is essential, since it gives them a behavioral standard to follow later in life.

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