Potty training your cat can be a process that involves a significant amount of patience, and the ability to deal with some “accidents” that may occur. However, it is important to be familiar with some of the basics of potty training a cat, as this is a very important part of overall pet care. Teaching your cat to be potty trained can be accomplished in a relatively short time, as long as you have the patience to properly potty train your cat.
Potty training your cat has several advantages, both to your cat’s health, and the overall cleanliness of your home. If a cat is not properly potty trained, they may try to relieve themselves in appropriate areas, such as in household plants. Cats have an instinctual urge to bury their waste, and may try to use the soil surrounding potted plants as a way to cover up their stools. This obviously creates a fair amount of tension between you and your cat, as you may feel frustrated that your cat is “violating” your household environment.
Once your cat is properly potty trained, this will also help to promote good hygiene in your household. If your cat is going to the bathroom in the proper areas, you will be able to maintain a clean and healthy environment in your house. The smell of cat urine is very distinct, and can be detected even in small amounts. Most cat urine smells similar to strong ammonia, and is extremely unsavory to the senses. If you purchase a kitty litter product that contains an odor-absorbing ingredient (such as baking soda) you will notice that you are not able to easily detect the smell of your cat’s urine.
However, potty training your cat is only one part of keeping your house clean and odor-free. As a responsible pet owner, it is your duty to maintain a clean environment where your cat can comfortably go to the bathroom. Even though cleaning your cat’s litter box can often be an undesirable process, it is very important that you clean your cat’s litter on a regular basis. Some cats will refuse to relieve themselves in a dirty litter box, and may stop using the litter box altogether.
If you potty train your cat, you may also save a significant amount on your veterinary bill. Your cat’s stool and urine condition can help you to easily identify if they are experiencing a medical problem, especially if it involves gastrointestinal symptoms. Any changes in the texture, smell and quality of your cat’s stool are always cause for concern, and may actually be indicative of a potentially serious medical condition. If you notice that your cat begins to have constant diarrhea, for example, this could be caused by any number of factors. Certain parasite infections may cause diarrhea, as can viral or bacterial infections. In any case, changes in your cat’s stool should be reason enough for you to schedule your cat to have an appointment with a veterinarian.
Here is our Guide on Potty Training your Cat:
Choosing to potty train your cat is a very important decision, as it can be very beneficial to your relationship with your cat. Most cat owners view potty training as a very difficult task, and something that requires a large investment both in time and in patience. It’s true, any type of training program that you begin with your cat will require a lot of patience, as well the time to train your cat correctly. However, in reality, potty training your cat can be easily accomplished, as long as you follow a few simple steps.
First, choose the right type of litter box for your cat. Most cat owners choose to purchase an enclosed litter box, as this is the best way to prevent the smell of the litter box from becoming too noticeable. However, your cat may take some time to be comfortable with the idea of going inside an enclosed litter box. A common mistake that many cat owners make is to push or force their cat into an enclosed litter box. In reality, this only causes a cat to become claustrophobic, and may cause them to avoid the litter box altogether. It is best to be patient, and coax your cat to come near the box with treats and gentle words. If you wish, you can also place a small amount of catnip in and around the litter box, so that your cat becomes interested in the area. It is suitable to bring your cat into the general area of the litter box, but don’t force them to explore it. Most cats will discover the litter box on their own. However, if your cat seems to be uncomfortable with the box, try moving it to a different location. Cats prefer to go to the bathroom in private, and may avoid a litter box that is placed too close to loud noises or family activity.
Once your cat is comfortable with the litter box, it’s time for the next step. When potty training, it is best if you feed your cat on a set schedule that remains unchanged each day. This way, you can have a better estimation on when your cat may have to go to the bathroom. After your cat eats, try to closely observe their behavior. If you see your cat pacing, or beginning to sniff at the floor, immediately bring them to the room where their litter box is. If your cat seems uninterested in the box, try placing some catnip inside the box, just as you did when you were socializing them with the litter box. If your cat does not have to go to the bathroom, they may simply leave the area. However, it is important to keep a close watch on them, as they may be searching for an area in which they can go to the bathroom.
If you follow these steps on a regular basis, your cat will eventually become accustomed to using the litter box for their bathroom needs. Remember, it is important to be patient. Potty training does not have to be a difficult process, as long as you are observant of your cat’s behavior.