Looking at proper pet care for dog, there are many different health problems that can potentially affect them. However, some are more common than others. Here are some of the most common health problems seen in domesticated dogs.


Fleas are a parasitic organism that thrive by feeding on an animal’s blood. Fleas are not unique to dogs, as they may feed off of cats, humans, and other warm-blooded mammals. Fleas can actually present a serious health risk to a dog if left untreated. Some fleas carry parasitic organisms, such as tapeworms. When a dog is grooming itself, it is possible for them to ingest a flea that contains a parasite egg. This egg then hatches inside a dog’s body, and matures into an adult worm. In addition to this, it is possible for dogs with severe flea infestations to develop anemia. Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells in a dog’s body have decreased to a point in which a dog’s health is affected. Since red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to other organs, it is common for anemia to eventually lead to hypoxia, which is a lack of oxygen in functioning organs. Fleas can also carry pathogens, which can cause a dog to become ill. The best way to prevent a flea infestation in your dog is to use a monthly topical flea treatment.

Gastrointestinal Issues

A problem commonly seen in many dogs is the instance of gastrointestinal issues. This usually includes upset stomach, vomiting and diarrhea. Gastrointestinal distress is a symptom in many different medical conditions, and may or may not be diet-related. The most common cause of gastrointestinal symptoms involves a dog’s diet, though it may also be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. If your dog is experiencing vomiting or diarrhea, it is strongly advised that you seek veterinary attention immediately. Though it is entirely possible that your pet dog’s health problem is minor, it is best to ensure that your dog is not suffering from a potentially serious medical condition.


Dogs can develop allergies to certain substances, very similar to human allergies. It is possible for dogs to become allergic to certain food-based ingredients, airborne allergens, and topical substances. When a dog has an allergic reaction, it is usually slightly indicative of the general type of allergen that the dog’s immune system is reacting to. For example, if exposed to an airborne allergen, a dog will develop respiratory symptoms (such as coughing). If your dog appears to be having an allergic reaction to a substance, try removing the suspected substance from your home. If your dog does not improve, you may have to use trial-and-error in order to identify the potential allergen.


A growing problem among domesticated dogs is obesity. Dogs become obese from overfeeding, lack of exercise, or poor diet. Obesity can contribute to joint problems, heart problems, and a host of other medical conditions in your dog. The best way to prevent obesity is to ensure that your dog has a high-quality diet, and receives the proper amount of exercise needed in order to maintain a healthy weight.


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