One of the most enjoyable parts of preparing for your new hamster can be decorating their cage. There are many different hamster accessories available to choose from, which can provide a fun and interactive appeal to your hamster’s cage. However, when choosing accessories for your hamster’s cage, be sure not to overcrowd with objects. Hamsters may become claustrophobic in a cluttered environment, especially if they do not have a “hideout” in which to sleep. Here are some of the more common accessories for pet hamsters.

Hideout: A hamster hideout is a small enclosed cubby where your hamster can sleep, relax and feel safe from the outside world. A hamster’s nesting instinct is what gives them the desire to sleep in an enclosed space. There are many different hamster hideouts available, though choosing one is usually a matter of preference. Be sure that your hamster’s hideout is non-toxic, as many hamsters will chew on the edges of their hideout.

Chewing Toys: Giving chewing toys to your hamster is a great way to keep their teeth healthy. A hamster’s teeth may become overgrown if a hamster is not provided with adequate chewing toys. Be sure that the chewing toys you choose for your hamster are free from artificial colors and chemical dyes. Wooden chewing toys are usually both inexpensive and effective for fulfilling your hamster’s chewing instincts.

Treats: Hamsters, just like any other animal, love to occasionally be given small treats. You may purchase commercial treats at a pet care supply store, or you can even make your own treats at home. Be sure that your hamster’s treats are not high in sugar or high fructose corn syrup. High-sugar treats can cause health conditions in many hamsters.

Exercise Ball: To allow your hamster to exercise while outside of their cage, you can purchase an exercise ball. Be sure that the exercise ball that you choose is well-ventilated, without containing any openings large enough for your hamster’s feet to escape outside of the ball.

Exercise Wheel: An exercise wheel is an important part of any hamster habitat, since it allows your hamster to exercise without leaving their cage. Be sure to purchase an exercise wheel that is an appropriate size for the type of hamster you plan to be keeping. A metal wheel is usually best, since it will be durable and resistant to lingering odors. However, you may use a plastic wheel, as long as it is made of non-toxic material.

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