Choose a larger hamster cage

Purchasing a home for your hamster is very important, especially when choosing a size. By larger cage we mean anything over 360 sq inches (e.g. 30′ x 12′), which is the size we recommend for Syrian hamsters.

By buying a larger hamster cage, you are making a very good choice in relation to your hamster’s welfare. The more space you can give your hamster the better. In Germany the minimum recommended size is 1 meter x 1 meter (over 1500 sq inches). The truth is hamsters thrive in larger cages. This is because a larger hamster cage gives a hamster the feeling of space, which in turn reduces the amount of stress on the hamster. Many people mistakenly purchase a hamster cage that is far too small, which may cause their hamster to become claustrophobic and lead to all sorts of health and behavior issues.

Benefits of a Larger Hamster Cage

Large hamster cages generally result in a much happier, healthier hamster. Because the cage is large, this allows for a maximum amount of ventilation. In addition to this, larger cages do not need to be cleaned as often as smaller hamster cages. A larger cave will also help influence your hamster’s behavior as well, since they will be less inclined to become agitated, hyperactive or aggressive.

Drawbacks of a Larger Hamster Cage

There are a few disadvantages that you may encounter when purchasing a larger hamster cage. In some cases, there are limited options available for larger hamster cage sizes. This means that you may have to make compromises as far as cage material, shape and color. Cleaning a large hamster cage does require more bedding material, so be prepared to purchase bedding in bulk.

Cage Size: When choosing to purchase a large hamster cage, you first need to determine which size cage is best for you. If you are planning to keep more than one hamster, it’s highly recommended that you give each hamster enough space to be comfortable. Only Dwarf Hamsters should be kept in the same cage together. Syrian hamsters will not live together and will fight. The golden rule for Syrian Hamsters is One Hamster One Cage. Some species of dwarf hamsters, may become territorial and aggressive in small cages. To prevent this, be sure that you purchase a cage that gives each hamster enough “personal space” to feel comfortable.

Cage Material: It’s best if you take some precautions when purchasing a larger hamster cage. This is because some hamster cages may be constructed of materials that could prove hazardous for hamsters. Try to avoid any hamster cages that are made with toxic plastic, rubber or chemically painted features. Hamsters love to chew, and may ingest some of the cage material. You can avoid this by purchasing a wire cage that does not have a plastic coating over the wire. Most wire cages do have plastic bottoms, which are sometimes able to be removed for easy cleaning.

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